Call out for host organisations
This is the text of our original call out to potential host organisations, and how we explained the idea at the time.
The professional audio sector is not representative of the society we live in and will benefit from more diversity. We’re a group of audio professionals working to make this happen and we would like to invite you to take part.
What is it?
The Access Fellowship is an initiative to support a number of entry level audio producers who do not have the networks or financial means to break into the industry. It will particularly welcome applicants from BAME backgrounds.
The intention is for the scheme to provide meaningful work experience, training and networking opportunities to improve access to professional work opportunities.
Each successful candidate will get:
A series of paid internships with audio production companies or platforms
Practical training sessions with fellow candidates
An opportunity to create an audio work to professional standard
Networking opportunities
The initiative has the backing of the Audio UK Board and the Radio Academy.
How can you take part?
We are looking for partner organisations to:
host an intern for one month at the real living wage (approx £1600 per calendar month in London / £1350 outside London)
offer a training session, attended by all the candidates on the scheme
2019: The pilot year
For the initiative to have impact the fellowships need to run for at least two months. We want to offer a minimum of four fellowships in the pilot, but the more partners who are involved, the more we can achieve.
We are currently in a development phase, and partner organisations will have the opportunity to help to help shape the scheme (e.g. the design of the application and recruitment process, structure of placements etc).
March 15th: Expressions of interest and questions from potential partners
April 5th: Firm offers from partner organisations April 19th Confirmation of partner organisations. Refinement of plan.
May: Launch of fellowship
June – July: Selection process, offers to successful candidates
September: Fellowships begin
Next Steps
If you are interested in being a partner, or if you would like to help in another way please get in touch via
All partner organisations will receive support with the structure of the internship.
Thank you very much,
The Access Fellowship Team
About us
Our steering group currently comprises:
Arlie Adlington – freelance producer
Deborah Dudgeon – Whistledown
Lisa Hack – Goldsmiths Associate Lecturer, ex World Service
Husain Husaini – Wire Free Productions
Nicole Logan – Roundhouse Radio
Joby Waldman – Reduced Listening